
Safety Information

our most
important matter
If a job cannot be performed in a safe manner, then we will not perform it until a safe alternative is derived.

Safety Information

At MANDI TRADING CO W.L.L, Safety is our primary concern. That’s why we have a companywide goal of Zero injuries and accidents on every job we perform. Through constant reiteration of our safety procedures, immediate response to all unsafe acts, and positive reinforcement of safe behavior, we have been highly successful in reduction of higher-risk activities. Our Safety Record works for you with a reduction in our E.M.R. and lowered insurance costs, a savings which we pass on to the customer, as well as personal comfort of finishing each day accident free.

MANDI TRADING CO W.L.L recognizes that safety is the most important aspect of our business. We owe it to both our customers and our employees to maintain the highest of standards when it comes to safe working conditions and methods.

Our Safety Committee is comprised of top-level management from all divisions, who work closely with MANDI TRADING CO W.L.L Safety director and consultants to review and update current policies and procedures, to guarantee the highest possible level of safety performance. As our company has grown, we have stepped up our efforts to ensure safety on each and every project, including a Safety Orientation for new personnel, and companywide Awareness and Incentive programs to promote a safe working environment; and finally yearly safety orientation of ALL field and management personnel.